FRIBIS Diskussionspapiere
Robin Anderl Gegenrechnung der Corona-Hilfsmaßnahmen mit dem Konzept des Netto-Grundeinkommens für die Jahre 2020/2021 Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 03-2024, 2024. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, financing, net basic income Bernhard Neumärker, Jette Weinel The implications of UBI on the Utility Function and Tax Revenue: Further Calibrating of Basic Income Effects Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2024, 2024. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, economics, english, taxation Verena Löffler Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2024, 2024. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, case study, social justice Christopher Eichhorn, Nurdita Rahmadani Mobile money for local benefit-sharing in forest emission reduction programs Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2023, 2023. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, environment Joe Chrisp, Aida Garcia-Lazaro, Nick Pearce Technological change and growth regimes: Assessing the case for universal basic income in an era declining labour shares Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2023, 2023, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, english, growth, labour, technology Teodoro Criscione, Eve Guterman, Sowuelu Avanzo, Julio Linares Community Currency Systems: basic income, credit clearing, and reserve-backed. Models and Design Principles Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 04-2022, 2022, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, community currencies, english Marcel Franke Transfer in a Conflict Model as a Reason for (Unconditional) Basic Income Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 03-2022, 2022, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, conflict economics, english Matteo Richiardi A Basic Income for France: Ideas for a debate Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2022, 2022, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, english, france Alexander Spermann Aktuelle Mikrosimulationsstudien zur Einführung eines partiellen bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens in Deutschland – eine kritische Analyse Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2022, 2022, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, german, microsimulation Malcolm Torry Feasibility Study: A Basic Income Pilot Project for Wales: A response to the report Piloting a Basic Income in Wales Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2021, 2021, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, english, feasibility, pilot projects Bernhard Neumärker, Bianca Blum, Burhan Yalcin, Sema Yalcin Die Gegenfinanzierung des Netto-Grundeinkommens in Zeiten schuldenfinanzierter Hilfsmaßnahmen während der Corona-Krise Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2021, 2021, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, financing, german, net basic income Bianca Blum, Bernhard Neumärker Globalization, Environmental Damage and the Corona Pandemic - Lessons from the Crisis for Economic, Environmental and Social Policy Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2020, 2020, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, economics, environment, german, globalization, public health, social policy Florian Wakolbinger, Elisabeth Dreer, Friedrich Schneider, Bernhard Neumärker Konsumsteuerfinanziertes BGE in Deutschland Diskussionspapier FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2020, 2020, ISSN: 2702-5462. Abstract | Links | Schlagwörter: basic income, german, VAT2024
title = {Gegenrechnung der Corona-Hilfsmaßnahmen mit dem Konzept des Netto-Grundeinkommens für die Jahre 2020/2021},
author = {Robin Anderl},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/FRIBIS-Discussion-Paper_03_24_Robin-Anderl.pdf},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/13/03-2024},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-12},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 03-2024},
keywords = {basic income, financing, net basic income},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
title = {The implications of UBI on the Utility Function and Tax Revenue: Further Calibrating of Basic Income Effects},
author = {Bernhard Neumärker and Jette Weinel},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/FRIBIS-Discussion-Paper_02_24_Neumaerker_Weinel.pdf},
doi = {DOI:10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/12/02-2024},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-29},
urldate = {2024-05-29},
abstract = {Economic modeling of Universal Basic Income (UBI) often fails to consider how individuals' utility calculations shift with unconditional transfers. In this paper we further develop the model of our previous paper - The Implications of UBI on Utility Functions and Tax Revenue (Neumärker, B., Weinel, J., 2022). We contend that, while traditional fiscal models rely on an additively separable relationship between consumption and labor, the utility calculation for individuals influenced by UBI is better represented by a multiplicative relationship. This shift arises from the time sovereignty afforded by UBI, empowering individuals to become self-determined, creative, and intrinsically motivated. We explore the implications of the UBI-adapted utility function on tax revenue. Specifically, we analyze the consumption tax revenue curve under UBI (multiplicative preferences) versus a means-tested welfare system (additive separable preferences).
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2024},
keywords = {basic income, economics, english, taxation},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.@workingpaper{nokey,
title = {Challenging the justice of a basic income policy when focusing on the homeless population: a case study on Germany},
author = {Verena Löffler},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/FRIBIS-Discussion-Paper_01_24_Verena-Loeffler_VL.pdf},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/11/01-2024},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-06},
urldate = {2024-03-06},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2024},
keywords = {basic income, case study, social justice},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
title = {Mobile money for local benefit-sharing in forest emission reduction programs},
author = {Christopher Eichhorn, Nurdita Rahmadani},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Discussionpaper_02_2023_Eichhorn_Rahmadani_Mobile-money-for-local-benefit-sharing-in.pdf},
doi = {DOI:10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/10/11-2023},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-29},
urldate = {2023-09-29},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2023},
keywords = {basic income, environment},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
title = {Technological change and growth regimes: Assessing the case for universal basic income in an era declining labour shares},
author = {Joe Chrisp and Aida Garcia-Lazaro and Nick Pearce},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/FRIBIS_Discusson-Paper-Series-_Joe-Chrisp_Aida-Garcia-Lazaro_Nick-Pearce_IPR-Report_02_2023.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/9/01-2023},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-02-02},
urldate = {2023-02-02},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2023},
keywords = {basic income, english, growth, labour, technology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
title = {Community Currency Systems: basic income, credit clearing, and reserve-backed. Models and Design Principles},
author = {Teodoro Criscione and Eve Guterman and Sowuelu Avanzo and Julio Linares},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/FRIBIS-Discussion-Paper-04_2022_Criscione-et-al.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/8/04-2022},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-08-15},
urldate = {2022-08-15},
abstract = {This paper briefly introduces models and basic design principles of community currency systems from economic and network analytical perspectives. Policymakers, grassroots organizations, and activists can find in this paper the necessary analytical and practical tools to start and enhance their own community currency projects.
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 04-2022},
keywords = {basic income, community currencies, english},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.@workingpaper{nokey,
title = {Transfer in a Conflict Model as a Reason for (Unconditional) Basic Income},
author = {Marcel Franke},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/FRIBIS-DiscussionPaper_03_2022_Marcel-Franke_12.08.2022.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/7/03-2022},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-08-12},
urldate = {2022-08-12},
abstract = {In the discussion about a universal basic income, the dimension of conditionality comes up frequently in the context of work requirements for social security policies. In these exchanges one aspect that comes up frequently is the costs of a universal social policy. In this article we apply a conflict model to the case of a basic income that suggests incentives for a government to pay a transfer to reduce and prevent conflict. These incentives justify the costs of the transfer program. However, the property that reduces conflict potential is the conditionality to lay down your arms. We discuss the condition of obeying the law to establish peace and a functioning economy. We argue that this conditionality is inherent to any form of societal participation and is a prerequisite for any social policy. Thus, it does not reject unconditional programs. Further, we discuss ways in which the constitutional perspective and the New Ordoliberalism may justify such conditionality.
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 03-2022},
keywords = {basic income, conflict economics, english},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.@workingpaper{nokey,
title = {A Basic Income for France: Ideas for a debate},
author = {Matteo Richiardi},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FRIBIS-Discussion-Paper-Series_02_2022_Matteo-Richiardi_-A_Basic_Income_For_France.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/6/02-2022},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-05-09},
urldate = {2022-05-09},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2022},
keywords = {basic income, english, france},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
title = {Aktuelle Mikrosimulationsstudien zur Einführung eines partiellen bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens in Deutschland – eine kritische Analyse},
author = {Alexander Spermann},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/FRIBIS_Discussion-Paper-Series_01_2022_Alexander-Spermann.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/5/01-2022},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-03-03},
urldate = {2022-03-03},
abstract = {Mikrosimulationsstudien sind ein empirisches Standardinstrument zur ex-ante Evaluation wirtschaftspolitischer Vorschläge. Der Vorschlag eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen für Deutschland wurde in den letzten zwanzig Jahren immer wieder mit diesem Instrument simuliert – und aus fiskalischen Gründen nach Berücksichtigung von Verhaltensanpassungen am Arbeitsmarkt verworfen. Im Jahr 2021 wurden auch Berechnungen zu partiellen Grundeinkommensmodellen in Deutschland vorgelegt. In diesem Beitrag werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dargestellt und kritisch analysiert. Es zeigt sich, dass die negativen Beschäftigungseffekte und die fiskalischen Kosten eines partiellen Grundeinkommens durch die Art der Modellierung überzeichnet werden. Der Autor befürwortet weitere Mikrosimulationsstudien mit einer verbesserten Modellierung. Dagegen liefern Mikrosimulationsstudien zur Kindergrundsicherung – einem bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen für Kinder – bereits weitreichende, jedoch noch nicht ausreichende empirische Evidenz für Politikentscheidungen.
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2022},
keywords = {basic income, german, microsimulation},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.2021
title = {Feasibility Study: A Basic Income Pilot Project for Wales: A response to the report Piloting a Basic Income in Wales},
author = {Malcolm Torry},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/FRIBIS-Discussion-Paper_02_2021_Malcolm-Torry.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/4/02-2021},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-15},
urldate = {2021-06-15},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2021},
keywords = {basic income, english, feasibility, pilot projects},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
title = {Die Gegenfinanzierung des Netto-Grundeinkommens in Zeiten schuldenfinanzierter Hilfsmaßnahmen während der Corona-Krise},
author = {Bernhard Neumärker and Bianca Blum and Burhan Yalcin and Sema Yalcin},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/FRIBIS_Discusson-Paper-Series_dt_NGE_NBI_Die-Gegenfinanzierung-des-Netto-Grundeinkommens-in-Zeiten-schuldenfinanzierter-Hilfsmassnahmen-waehrend-der-Corona-Krise.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/3/01-2021},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2021},
date = {2021-06-14},
urldate = {2021-06-14},
abstract = {Die Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Corona Pandemie haben unter anderem massive Verdienstausfälle zur Folge. Viele Menschen geraten daher neben der akuten Gesundheitskrise zunehmend auch in eine Einkommenskrise. Dauerhafte existenzbedrohende Unsicherheit bleibt für zu viele trotz der zahlreichen Hilfspakete. Der Grundsatz der Bedarfsbezogenheit und dafür zu ermittelnder Bedürftigkeit für die Zurverfügungstellung von Hilfe erweist sich als dabei unzureichend. In der jetzigen Krise sind maßnahmenbedingt vor allem Erwerbseinkommen betroffen. Dies führt zu einer asymmetrischen Verteilung der kriseninduzierten Lasten und somit zu einer asymmetrischen Risiko- und Lastenverteilung zwischen leistungsbezogenen und leistungslosen Einkommen, was der Umverteilung zugunsten der Kapitalerträge verschärft Vorschub leistet. Das Modell des Netto-Grundeinkommens (NGE) zeigt eine Möglichkeit, in der Krise zu einer Lösung dieser Probleme zu kommen. Jede erwachsene Person in Deutschland erhält während der Krisenzeit ein monatliches bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen von z.B. € 550 (in diesem Ansatz gerechnet). Ergänzt wird dieser Betrag durch das Aussetzen von Miet-, Pacht-, Tilgungs- und Zinsverpflichtungen während dieses Zeitraumes des Einkommensausfalls. Der an jede Person ausgezahlte Geldbetrag ist der Netto-Anteil des Krisen- Grundeinkommens. Die Einsparungen der Haushalte durch das Aussetzen von Miet-, Pacht-, Tilgungs- und Zinszahlungen ergeben das Brutto. Nach der Krise kann das NGE mit steigender wirtschaftlicher Dynamik zu einem vollen partizipativen BGE in Höhe von € 1.200 bis € 1.500 angehoben werden. Im Gleichschritt damit sind Miet-, Pacht- und Kapitaldienste wieder in voller Vertragshöhe zu leisten.
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2021},
keywords = {basic income, financing, german, net basic income},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.2020
title = {Globalization, Environmental Damage and the Corona Pandemic - Lessons from the Crisis for Economic, Environmental and Social Policy},
author = {Bianca Blum and Bernhard Neumärker},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/FRIBIS_Discusson-Paper-Series_Globalization-Environmental-Demage-and-Corona-Crisis_deutsch.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/2/02-2020},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-30},
urldate = {2020-04-30},
abstract = {Die schnell wachsende Corona Pandemie im Jahr 2020 hat die Welt weitgehend in eine wirtschaftliche Stagnation gebracht. Die Auswirkungen des fast unterbrochenen Flugverkehrs, der stillgelegten Industrie und des wirtschaftlichen Lockdowns auf die Umwelt, insbesondere auf die Luftqualität, sind enorm; aber auch auf die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen der Krise. Dieser Stillstand scheint wirtschaftlich und sozial kaum nachhaltig zu sein. Wir sollten uns jedoch jetzt fragen, was wir aus der Situation lernen können, um die Globalisierung in Frage zu stellen, zukünftige vergleichbare Krisensituationen besser abzufangen und den Schritt zu einer nachhaltigeren Entwicklung auf ökologischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Basis zu gehen. Das Arbeitspapier identifiziert dabei die Bereiche des Externalitätenmanagements zur Verbesserung der Umweltqualität, Digitalisierung und Netzerweiterung sowie des Grundeinkommens als zentrale Konzepte, die in und nach der Krise angegangen werden müssen. Konkrete Konzepte werden am Ende des Papiers vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 02-2020},
keywords = {basic income, economics, environment, german, globalization, public health, social policy},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}
The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.@workingpaper{,
title = {Konsumsteuerfinanziertes BGE in Deutschland},
author = {Florian Wakolbinger and Elisabeth Dreer and Friedrich Schneider and Bernhard Neumärker},
url = {https://www.fribis.uni-freiburg.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Konsumfinanz-BGE-DE-6-JUNI-20201_neu_01-1.pdf, Download PDF},
doi = {10.6094/FRIBIS/DiscussionPaper/1/01-2020},
issn = {2702-5462},
year = {2020},
date = {2020-04-29},
urldate = {2020-04-29},
issue = {FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2020},
abstract = {The papers of the FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series are working papers that do not undergo a peer-review process by FRIBIS. The authors are responsible for the content.},
howpublished = {FRIBIS Discussion Paper Series, FRIBIS Paper No. 01-2020},
keywords = {basic income, german, VAT},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {workingpaper}