Workshop: Universal Basic Income’s Social-Ecology? Theory and Evidence revisited

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, R 01 012 Rempartstraße 16, Freiburg, Deutschland

In face of the growing ecological, social and economic crisis we are witnessing, it is timely to revisit universal basic income theory and evidence on the instrument’s contested social and ecological consequences. To do this, and as a kick-off event to the UBITrans’s lecture series on this topic (2022/2023), we* have organized a one-day workshop […]

Solidarität statt Wettbewerb: Das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen als Grundpfeiler einer neuen Gesellschaftsordnung?

Programm des Workshops zum herunterladen Das Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) lädt mit dem Centrum für Interdisziplinäre Wirtschaftsforschung (CIW) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster zu einem gemeinsamen Workshop nach Münster ein. Zum Thema „Solidarität statt Wettbewerb: Das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen als Grundpfeiler einer neuen Gesellschaftsordnung?“ sollen von Montag, dem 20.03.2023, 14 Uhr bis Dienstag, dem […]

Workshop in Niterói (Brasilien): Basic Income Social Policies in Practice – Learnings from Maricá and Niterói in Dialogue with the Global North

Since the early 2000s, the emergence and continuous growth of cash transfer programs define the main stage in the discussion surrounding the future of social protection. While established first in Latin America, programs focussing on direct cash transfers have spread throughout various countries and contexts. Parallelly, a debate developed on the advantages and disadvantages of […]

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Toru Yamamori in Freiburg on September 12, 2023: “Is a Cent a Month a Grundeinkommen? Revisiting the historiography of the concept of a threshold in Basic Income”

Toru Yamamori, professor of economics at the Doshisha University in Kyoto, co-chair of the BIEN working group for clarifying the definition of basic income, and member of the FRIBIS team UBI and Gender, is coming to Freiburg in September to give a talk at FRIBIS. (German text below) Title: Is a Cent a Month a […]

FRIBIS-Workshop vom 20. bis 22. September 2023: „Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen als ökonomisches Narrativ?“

Die Rede vom bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen als einem ,Narrativ‘ ist in Wissenschaft und Medien weit verbreitet – doch was ist damit eigentlich gemeint? Welche Grundeinkommens-‚Narrative‘ gibt es, und wie gehen sie mit anderen ‚Narrativen‘ – etwa dem der sozialen und ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit – Hand in Hand? Welche Zusammenhänge bestehen zwischen ,Narrativen‘ und der Wirtschaft?Die Teilnehmenden Die […]

Expert Workshop @ KU Leuven on “Public Support for Basic Income: Methodological Advances and Challenges”

On November 16-17, 2023, the expert workshop titled "Public Support for Basic Income: Methodological Advances and Challenges" will be held at KU Leuven in Belgium. The workshop is organized by Tijs Laenen (Basic Income in Belgium project, KU Leuven), Joe Chrisp (Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath), and Jurgen De Wispelaere (Götz Werner Chair, […]

UBIMar/CEDE Methods Workshop – From Policy Puzzles to Research Strategies: Studying Municipal Social Policies in Maricá, Niterói and Beyond

UBIMar/CEDE Methods Workshop - From Policy Puzzles to Research Strategies: Studying Municipal Social Policies in Maricá, Niterói and Beyond General Information Where? Universidade Federal Fluminense, Gragoatá, Bloco F, AuditórioWhen? Thursday, 27/06/2024 Further information available here Abstract As the first ever implemented basic income-inspired municipal social policy, the Renda Básica de Cidadania de Maricá (RBC) has […]